Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Kohsuke is the creator of Jenkins.
Monday morning I came into work and discovered that I cannot commit to the Hudson Subversion repository. Initially I wasn’t worried — I thought it was just another java.net outage that will resolve itself in a few hours — but a little research a bit later revealed that Hudson was locked down and being migrated to new java.net infrastructure. I and...
In tradition of taking advantages of my travel, Tikal, ExLibris, and InfraDNA hosted a Hudson users meetup in Jerusalem yesterday. There were 10+ people from Jerusalem and Tel Aviv who came over, which was great given the lack of upfront advertisement (my fault.) I did a short presentation about the current state of the Hudson project and where we are focusing...
Today, I’d highlight two recent improvements to the label and matrix projects. When you have multiple agents in your Hudson build farm, you can use labels to classify agents by their capability/environment/architecture/etc. For example, your one agent might have “32bit” and “windows” label, while another one might have “linux”, “ubuntu”, and “64bit.” (with plugins like <a href=`"https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/PlatformLabeler+Plugin`">platform-labeler plugin</a>, you can attach...
September is turning into a meetup month for the Hudson community. In parallel to the meetup in Oslo and the meetup in JavaOne, Nokia and InfraDNA are hosting a meetup in Copenhagen on September 6th, Monday. Read on for the details. The current tentative plan is to do a short "state of the union / what’s new" kind of presentation, then...
JavaZone is a big Java conference in Scandinavia, and Hudson is well represented there. On September 8th, Håkon Snøtun will be presenting "Top 5 plugins for Hudson and Chuck Norris." and on September 9th, I’ll be presenting "Getting more out of your Hudson." But more importantly, what is a conference without drinking!? So in that spirit, InfraDNA will be organizing a...
I’ll be in Copenhagen from 9/5-9/7 and in Oslo 9/8-9/9 to present in JavaZone. I’d like to take advantage of the opportunities and have user meet-up events in those cities. Depending on the number of participants, it could be just a drink in a bar, or a talk in a meeting room. So if you are: in those cities, available in the evening...
CloudBees announced the beta availability of their new Hudson-as-a-service "HaaS" today. I see this as yet another validation to Hudson, and as such, I welcome this new addition to the community and wish them well! — more companies betting on Hudson means we’ll get more investment to the project, which is all goodness for Hudson users. It’s been 5 months...
On September 1st, I’ll be presenting in a Sauce Labs webinar about Hudson and Sauce OnDemand. The talk will discuss how Hudson can be used with Sauce OnDemand, naturally, but it’ll also cover broader Hudson/Selenium integrations. Please register to this free event, and looking forward to seeing to you virtually....
Commits often come in a burst. This seems to happen mainly for two reasons — people sometimes forget to commit some files, and in the tranquility of waiting for your SCM to finish a commit, people sometimes realize the problems in the commit and they quickly make follow-up changes. The conventional wisdom is that the CI server should wait for the burst...