Remove JEP-200 compatibility workarounds for releases published before February 2018 of the following plugins: Maven Integration, Job DSL, Monitoring, Git Client, Pipeline: Supporting APIs, OWASP Dependency-Check.
(pull 5454, Plugin versions with a fix, JEP-200)
Stop bundling the External Monitor Job Type, LDAP, and PAM Authentication plugins.
Jenkins will no longer automatically install the External Monitor Job Type, LDAP, or PAM Authentication plugins on startup if a plugin depending on Jenkins 1.467 or earlier is discovered.
If you use such a plugin that also relies on the functionality provided by the External Monitor Job Type, LDAP, or PAM Authentication plugin and manage plugins outside Jenkins' plugin manager, you will now need to ensure that a recent release of the External Monitor Job Type, LDAP, or PAM Authentication plugin is installed.
Jenkins will attempt to load such plugins but may fail at any time during startup or afterwards with ClassNotFoundException or similar.
(pull 5445, External Monitor Job Type plugin, LDAP plugin, PAM Authentication plugin)
Bump sshd-core from 2.5.1 to 2.7.0 in Jenkins CLI.
(pull 5547)
Add X-Frame-Options header to AJAX responses.
(pull 5555)
Remove the Bytecode Compatibility Transformer library and related code from Jenkins core.
Developer: Plugins that rely on the hudson.model.Queue$Item#id or hudson.model.AbstractProject#triggers fields must be updated to call the corresponding getters.
(pull 5526, Vertx plugin, Slave Prerequisites plugin)
Stop sending HTTP response headers related to the remoting-based CLI (removed in 2.165).
(pull 5452)
Developer: Remove JTidy dependency from Jenkins core.
Plugins that use JTidy functionality must be updated to explicitly declare a dependency on JTidy rather than relying on Jenkins core to provide this library.
(pull 5521, NIS notification lamp plugin)
Developer: InterceptingExecutorService and its subclasses no longer extend or
(pull 5565)
Developer: The hudson.util.SubClassGenerator and experimental hudson.model.TreeView class have been removed without replacement.
(pull 5566, pull 5603)