Support displaying of warnings from the update site in the plugin manager and in administrative monitors.
(issue 40494, announcement blog post)
Correctly state that Jenkins will refuse to load plugins whose dependencies are not satisfied in plugin manager.
(issue 40666)
The install-plugin CLI command now correctly installs plugins when multiple file arguments are specified.
(issue 32358)
Prevent the ClassNotFoundException: javax.servlet.ServletException error when invoking shell tasks on remote agents.
(issue 40863)
Properties were not passed to Maven command by Maven build step when the Inject Build Variables flag was not set.
(issue 39268)
Job configuration submission now does not fail when there is no parameters property.
(issue 39700)
Update Remoting to 3.4 in order to properly terminate the channel in the case Errors and Exceptions.
(issue 39835)
Check for Updates button in the Plugin Manager was hidden in the Updates tab when there was no plugins updates available.
(issue 39971)
SSHD Module: Handshake was failing (wrong shared secret) 1 out of 256 times due to SSHD-330.
(issue 40362)
Performance: Use bulk change when submitting Job configurations to minimize the number of sequential config.xml write operations.
(issue 40435)
Jobs were hanging during process termination on the Solaris 11 Intel platform, regression in 2.20.
(issue 40470)
Restore option value for setting build result to unstable when loading shell and batch build steps from disk.
(issue 40894)
Update to Winstone 3.2 to support ad-hoc certificate generation on Java 8 (using unsupported APIs). This option is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. We strongly recommend you create self-signed certificates yourself and use --httpsKeyStore and related options instead.
(issue 25333)