Prevent calls to Jenkins#save persisting data before we have finished loading the in-memory model.
This prevents possible corruption of the main Jenkins configuration.
(issue 58993)
Increase client-side keep-alive ping frequency on the HTTP-based CLI to prevent timeouts.
(issue 59267)
Reduce default soft-kill timeout from two minutes to five seconds so that builds that spawned other processes can finish more quickly.
(issue 59152)
Stop bundling Maven Plugin and Subversion Plugin with Jenkins.
In very rare cases, this could result in problems when attempting to install plugins compatible with Jenkins before 1.310.
The Jenkins project is currently not publishing any such plugins.
(pull 4242)
Remove plugins bundled only to promote their use, as they are not needed for compatibility with old plugins.
Since Jenkins 2.0, the concept of plugins installed by default is replaced with the setup wizard.
(pull 4040)
Update bundled version of Script Security Plugin to 1.65.
(pull 4245)
Developer: ProcessTree#killAll no longer fails with NPE if proc argument is null.
(pull 4232)
Internal: hudson.util.ProcessTree.OSProcess#getEnvironmentVariables returned null when an error occurred even though it shouldn't.
(issue 59580)