Major update of the Alpine-based Jenkins Docker image.
Jenkins Docker image for Alpine now uses Alpine 3.12 and AdoptOpenJDK 8u262.
(LTS upgrade guide)
Fix button that copies API token to clipboard (regression in 2.238).
(issue 63274)
Developer: Make unavailable plugin background themeable.
(issue 63331)
Developer: Expose fingerprint range set serialization methods for plugins.
(pull 4888)
Internal: Remove some text messages from Jenkins core which had already been moved to the LDAP and PAM Authentication plugins.
Be sure to upgrade to LDAP 1.22 or newer and PAM Authentication 1.5 or newer.
(pull 4866)
Internal: Remove deprecated and unused ProcessTreeKiller class.
(pull 4874)
Internal: Exclude JUnit and Hamcrest libraries from the jenkins.war bundle.
(issue 63269)