Fix broken UI on Configure Global Security form when plugins with active security warnings are installed (regression in 2.368).
(issue 69627)
Table columns get wider or smaller depending on the sort selection.
(issue 67864)
Improve build progress animation when refreshing parts of the history/executors widget.
(issue 68627)
Fix a race condition that causes file descriptor leaks when cloud agents are created.
(issue 69534)
Trigger form validation events after editing a CodeMirror formatted text area.
(issue 15604)
Developer: Remove managed, provided dependency on log4j 1.2.17. Plugin builds that depend directly or transitively on log4j 1.2.17 must remove this dependency or exclude it from their build in order for their build to pass.
(pull 7028)
Export hudson.model.Run#isInProgress to the json API.
(issue 68981)