Integration of Winstone 4.0: Upgrade bundled Jetty from 9.2.15.v20160210 to 9.4.5.v20170502. This removes support for the deprecated SPDY protocol. The --spdy parameter has been removed accordingly and Jenkins may refuse to start if it's set.
(full changelog)
Jetty 9.4.5: Prevent the 400 Bad Host header error for HttpChannelOverHttp when operating behind reverse proxy.
(issue 40693, corresponding Jetty issue)
Update the Mailer plugin version installed when updating from very old Jenkins releases to include the fix for SECURITY-372, the SSH Build Agents plugin for SECURITY-161, and the Script Security plugin for SECURITY-258.
Freestyle projects may now list Pipeline jobs as downstream and trigger them, without needing to use the Parameterized Trigger plugin or reverse triggers ("Build after other projects are built").
(issue 28113)
Internal: Define enabling/disabling in ParameterizedJob rather than AbstractProject.
(issue 27299)
Internal: Offer default methods on ParameterizedJob to have less boilerplate code.
(pull 2864)