Restart agent communication related threads on both controller and agents when encountering an unhandled exception, if possible, to improve stability.
(issue 38711)
Improve performance by not querying queue dispatchers from the UI.
(issue 20046)
Use node display name when printing "built on" message in the build log.
(issue 47168)
Enable cc.xml to export jobs in folders recursively when accessed with a query parameter named recursive.
(issue 36282)
Add new administrative monitor warning users about disabled CSRF protection.
(issue 47372)
In rare configurations, agents tried to load unloadable classes from the controller, resulting in ClassNotFoundException: javax.servlet.ServletContextListener on agents.
(issue 46386)
Jenkins did not correctly show parts of pipeline builds in side panel widgets if the current view is configured to filter their content.
(issue 46759)
Developer: Make Xstream2#addCriticalField available for use in plugins.
(pull 3066)